Breezy Ridge Rugs
North Wing Louisville, KY, United StatesLocated in North Wing Lobby
Located in North Wing Lobby
This screening is not free. Must have a medical provider and insurance card. Located in Health Horizons.
Find these free screenings at the UofL Health Booth in Health Horizons.
Find these free screenings at the Kentucky Cancer Program Booth in Health Horizons.
Find these free screenings at the Heuser Hearing Institute Booth in Health Horizons.
Times subject to change. Located in Discovery Farm in South Wing A
Meet Conservation Officers and K-9 this afternoon! Discover what it means to be part of the Fish and Wildlife family by becoming a Conservation Officer. Located at the Ky Dept of Fish & Wildlife booth in South Wing B.
Maternal Wellness, Heart Rhythm, Diabetic Education/Glucose Screening, Stroke/Cognitive Screening, Balance/Grip Strength, and Blood Pressure Screenings. Find these free screenings at the Wellcare Booth in Health Horizons.
Flu, Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hep A & B Combo, HPV, MMR, Meningococcal B, Meniningococcal ACYW, Pneumonia, Polio, RSV, COVID, and Shingles. Find these free screenings at the Wellcare Booth in Health Horizons.
Times subject to change. Located in Discovery Farm in South Wing A